Schlagwort-Archive: life

Life after death, new evidences, new concept of God

The author deals with the issues that accompany everyone from birth. One of the central themes is the topic of death and the resulting understanding of happiness. The question that the author raises in this book is of extraordinary importance for society. Does the state of death mean the end of existence, or is it the beginning of a journey into some kind of new dimension? Is it perhaps possible, taking into account the latest research results in areas of astrophysics and quantum physics, that rather only the body ends its existence and the soul enters another dimension of the universe or logos in the form of an energy form? In this context the author designs another understanding for God and for it at the same time a new concept. Furthermore the possibilities of the creation from the view of the quantum physics as well as the astrobiology are shown. Thus the draft shows the scientifically founded thesis that the universe is to be understood as a wholeness, since the last discoveries from the field of astrobiology show the existence of microbes, which occur both on earth and in space, so that life could be due to few common origins. Another strand of the argument is based on the recognition of multidimensionality in terms of quantum physics and the postulates that develop from this regarding the concept of God.
Thus the book builds a bridge between religion and science. At the same time, it shows both implications for society and relevant aspects of happiness for each individual. It is an exciting journey that could be of fundamental importance to any reader.
Life after death, new evidences, new concept of God

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Fusspflege Jever
Susanne Stolmann
Blumenstraße 2

26441 Jever

Telefon: 004915120903938